Personal data
Born a 24 April in Boulogne-Billancourt (France)
French Nationaly
Freed from military obligations
Maried - Two children (Zoé and Léo)
Employment History
- 2013- Senior associate professor (Maître de conférence hors classe) at the I3m of the university of Montpellier 2, (FR)
- 2007-2013: Associate professor (Maître de Conférence) at the I3M of the university of Montpellier 2, (FR)
- 2008-2010: SFI Stokes Lecturer at the Mathematics Department of the NUI Maynooth (IE) (secondment).
- 2003-2007: Contract Lecturer at the Mathematics Institut of Neuchâtel's university (CH).
- January 2002-2003: Postdoc position at the Mathematics Institut of Neuchâtel's university (CH).
- 1999-December 2001: Assistant at the Fourier Institut of Grenoble's university of science, while finishing my PhD under the supervision of Gérard Besson (FR)
- 2012-2016: PI of the ANR JCJC Geometry and optimal transportation
- 2008-2013: SFI Stokes lecturship
- October 2007: Grant from the swiss "Troisième cycle Romand de mathématique" for project 10, "Introduction à la géométrie de Hilbert"
- 2002-2003: Swiss FNRS post doctoral grant FNRS 20-65060.01
- January-August 2002: Part of the european project ACR OFES number 00.0349
- July-August 2001: Japanese MEXT summer program fellowship
- 1999-2001: PhD "MENRT" grant from the French Government
- 1994-1998: Ens Lyon Student Grant
Conferences organised
- 2019: 24-28 june, "Perspectives in convex projective geometry", Sète
- 2018: 28 mai-2 june, "Geometric analysis in Samothraki chap. 2", in honor of S. Gallot.
- 2016: 29 may - 4 june, "Geometric analysis in Samothrace, a tribute to Gérard Besson", village of Chora, Island of Samothrace, Greece.
- 2014: 16-20 june, "Geometry and dynamics of Finsler spaces", CIRM, Marseille, co-organiser with J.C. Alvarez-Paiva and D. Yang
- 2012: 9-13 january, small workshop "On Hilbert Geometries", CIRM, Marseille, co-organiser with Bas Lemmens.
- 2010: 31 may-4 June, "Summer school on Geometric analysis", Karlovassi, Island of Samos, Greece, coordinator of organisation.
- 2010: 11-15 January, "A week on Thurston's Geometrisation, following Perelman", Maynooth, Irlande, organiser.
- 2009: 23-27 June, "Summer School in Conformal Geometry, Potential Theory, and Applications", Maynooth, Irlande, co-organiser.
- HABILITATION in Mathematics, (Habilitation à diriger des recherches), December 2007.
Dissertation's title: Contribution à l'étude macroscopique des nilvariétés et des géométries de Hilbert.
Examiners Juan-Carlos Álvarez-Paiva (Université de Lille), Yves Benoist (ENS Paris), Gilles Carron (Université de Nantes). - PhD in Mathematics, (Thèse de Doctorat), December 2001.
Title : Spectres asymptotiques des nilvariétés graduées.
Advisor : Gérard Besson.
Examiners : Pierre Pansu (Université Paris-Sud), Toshikazu Sunada (Meiji University, Japon)
The Habilitation is the French Diploma which allows French faculties to supervise Master II and PhD students. It is also expected in aim to obtain a Professorship in France if you are a French mathematician.
Short Visits
- Nagoya and Sendai, Japan, following the XX1 Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium, I visited the universities of Nagoya and Tohoku.
- Nagoya, Japan, 2 months at the university de Nagoya thanks to the Monbukagakusho summer program, invited by Prof. Masahiko KANAI, from 25 june to 25 August 2001.
- Bochum, Germany, at the Rurh-Universität Bochum , invited by G. Knieper.
- Pises, Italy, at the research centre Ennio De Giorgi invited by G. Berck.
Thanks to the Erasmus Exchange Program
- Rome, Italy, a week at the University de La sapienza, invited by A. Savo;
- Tours, France, a week at the University François Rabelais, invited by A. El soufi;
- Karlsruhe, Germany, a week at Karlsruhe's University (since then it has been renamed KIT for "Karlruher Insitute of Technology"), invited par G. Link;
- Karlovassi- Island of Samos, Greece, two weeks at the University of the Aegean, invited by M. Anousis to give a series of lectures at the summer postgraduate progam (2 weeks).;
- Grenoble, France a week at the Fourier Institut, invited by G. Besson;
- Toulouse, France a week at the University Paul Sabatier, invited by J. Bertrand.